Gamers: Know Your Rights


Velvet Lined

Velvet lined my mouth
Soft and crushing
All the secrets I’ve yet to spill
I scrambled to catch
And eagerly consume
All the embers
Glittering like rubies in the light
With great haste I
Filled my mouth to bursting
Overwhelming this
Sweet sensation cascading
Down and out
Fierce heat so long only
Soul strong
Erupting and devouring every
Inch of flesh
The way I sit and patiently wait
For your mouth
To fulfill

Curl Around

And you’ll curl around like you always do
Cardboard box
Escorting a velvet shrew
The eyes that slither
They slide
And I’m giving out pieces
Of my soul
Just like I always do
And I know for whom the bell tolls
And I know why the caged bird sings
And Edgar’s in the alley
Sucking the souls from the clouds
In his coffee
I saw your soul today